Feature Friday (social media CCR posts)

The WHS Counseling Office will be posting weekly to our social media outlets with various information for our stakeholders. Mostly this will be centered around College and Career/Life Readiness but may include social//emotional information as well. The editions will be posted below:

What is higher education -  Feature Friday 91622(4).jpg
Exploring possible careers -    Feature Friday 92322.jpg

How to begin researching colleges -  Feature Friday 93022.jpg

How to make the most of your visit to a college fair - Feature Friday 10722.jpg

Writing a college essay - Feature Friday 101422.pdf

Financial Aid information - Feature Friday 11422.pdf

Mental Health Tips for Teenagers - Feature Friday 111822-use.pdf

What to look for in a college - Feature Friday 120922-1.pdf

Creating a Resume/Activity list  - Feature Friday 12723.jpg

Admission to US Military Academies - Feature Friday 21023.pdf