Scholarship Links

Scholarships and Grants:

For scholarships specific to an institution, check the website of the college/university for financial aid, grants, and scholarships.
For local, current, Warrensburg area scholarships, please check our Scholarship List or the WHS Bulletin at least once a week at:    WHS Local Scholarships and the   WHS Bulletin

Check these sites regularly to stay on top of local scholarships that are offered.

Word of Caution:

For other scholarship search engines (see below for a few) students and parents are urged to use caution in sharing identifying information. As always, make sure that you trust the site and that you are truly willing to disclose your identifying information on the web.  As a general rule, we counsel students to use sites where disclosure of confidential personal identification data is not required.  Also, students and parents are encouraged to never pay any fee in order to submit a scholarship application.  There are scams that take advantage of students in this area.  Finally, beware of search engines that advertise, are biased in favor of, or point users towards for profit colleges or universities. 

Fastweb Scholarships
Free Scholarship search - find many nationally publicized scholarships here.

SchoolSoup - free scholarship search.
Find scholarships, colleges, online degrees, careers on this site. It boasts of having the world's largest
 scholarship database, a student loan center, cheap textbooks, and more. 

Student Scholarship Search - With one of the largest databases of scholarships online and a speedy scholarship matching tool, StudentScholarshipSearch helps students find scholarships that are most relevant to their background, field of study, sport, skill, interest, achievement, or other attribute. Whether you're in grad school or were just accepted into college, we'll have a match for you.

Scholarships Galore
Find a scholarship that fits you and your needs. Find one, find many.

FAFSA - free money - Pell Grant
  Link into FAFSA -Free Application for Federal Student Aid, for free money to go to a technical school, 
  trade school, junior college or 4-year university. This grant is a needs-based grant. The amount for which 
  you qualify will depend on financial need. Fill out the FAFSA in January to find out for how much you qualify. 
  Need assistance filling this out? Attend the Financial Aid Night at WHS in January. See our calendar for specific date for this next January. The MO deadline for FAFSA completion  is April 1.  More help in MO with the FAFSA: FAFSA Frenzy

Financial Aid  - The Smart Guide to Financial Aid
Scholarships, loans, savings, military aid, etc.

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