Personal Matters

Tips for Students: How to Cope with Tragedy & Grief

· Remember that everyone reacts to pain and loss in different ways.

· Allow yourself to freely express your feelings (this may include crying, talking, writing, etc.).

· Seek out a parent, friend, or caring adult to share your feelings with.

· Be careful of postings on social media. Only post what is helpful and encouraging to all. Do not post or participate in rumors, gossip, blaming or judging.

· Take care of yourself. Eat well.   Get plenty of sleep and exercise.

· Spend time around the people who care about you and who you feel supported by.

· Find space and time to do the things that help you handle stress and grief. Some examples are:

-   Talk to someone

-   Cry

-   Write a letter

-   Keep a journal

-   Listen to music

-   Run, dance, or ride a bike

-   Read a book

- Help someone else

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resources:

The Trevor Project:

A resource offering support to students, parents, allies and others who are engaging with issues related to sexual identity.  Specifically, this organization helps students who face the issues of self-harm and thoughts of suicide:


PFLAG National, formerly known as Parents, Friends and Family of Lesbians and Gays, is the United States' largest organization for parents, friends, families, and straight allies united with people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.  PFLAG offers educational resources for supporting LGBT students:

 also worth noting is this page from PFLAG NYC:

 For information about forming a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA):

Click  for more information about these topics  ....

Community Resourceslocal agences and systems of support 

Sexually Assaulted?  MOCSA - Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault offers an anonymous hotline that is answered by MOCSA staff and trained volunteers around the clock to provide intervention, information and referral services to victims of sexual assault and abuse - as well as to their significant others. Missouri hotline number is: 815.531.0233 or visit them at for more information.


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