Freshmen guide


Meet your counselor   Academy visits (by Counselor)

Getting involved           Start your portfolio      Career Interest Inventory

Freshman Career Day   Requesting classes for sophomore year

Complete/correct your sophomore schedule

Introduce yourself to your counselor... and to the Counseling Office whenever you have time. That way you will get to know your counselor AND you'll know how to find the office when you need scheduling or other assistance. If you need to see your counselor, there is always a sign-up sheet on Mrs. King's desk in the Counseling Office. When available, your counselor will send a pass for you.
Help your counselor learn your name and something that makes you unique.

Things you can expect this year:

  • Each of the counselors will visit your Freshman Academy once this year to give you information about what's coming up, what you need to know, and will be available for questions. This occurs on Mondays during 'closed' academy time.
  • Start your 'portfolio', activity sheet, resumé. You'll hear about that in your academy if you haven't already.  Ask a counselor or your academy teacher to explain more.
  • In November expect a nice 5-day break for Thanksgiving weekend, followed by another long break in December as you finish the first semester of your high school experience.
  • If you need a schedule change for 2nd semester (spring semester), let your counselor know about mid-December. And remember, if you need to change your schedule, you only have a few days once a semester begins to sign up to get your scheduled changed. You sign up in the counselors' office. 
  • Then, early in the new year (late January or early February), a counselor will guide all the freshmen through a career interest inventory to help you get ideas about what type of careers would fit with your personality and interests.
  • This is followed by a Freshman Career Day, usually in February, when you get to meet professionals in your career interest area from throughout our community.
  • Very soon after that, you'll be asked to put your sophomore schedule requests into Power School for classes you'd like to take your sophomore year. It will take most of the rest of the school year before your actual schedule gets printed and to you... which you will receive at then end of the school year only IF you have turned in your updated enrollment packet.  Then, when you get your sophomore schedule, you'll need to make sure it has all the classes you want and need.
  • If your sophomore schedule is not what you want/need, SEE  YOUR COUNSELOR for revisions AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! WHS Counselors are here until early June and are available to work on your schedule. That is the best time to work with your counselor on your schedule for the next year.

Keep up the good work, do your best, enjoy the journey and have a great year.

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